MAP-Fire Platform
The MAP-Fire project team is developing the MAP-Fire fire monitoring and management online tool for disaster risk reduction and impact quantification associated with wildfires in the MAP region (details below). This Platform, with free access, indicates when and where is burning, based on satellite fire pixels , and also what is burning, through the combination of fire data with land use and land cover. One can also identify who is burning, analysing the fire location in relation to the land tenure (conservation area, indigenous land, private rural properties, union´s land, etc). The location of schools and health infrastructures are also present and one can assess the exposure of these places to fire occurrence.
*Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI), process: SGP-HW 016.
*National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico)CNPq, process 300068/2019-0.
*UK BR Science Impact Acceleration House - Newton Fund.
*Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI), process: SGP-HW 016.
*National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico)CNPq, process 300068/2019-0.
*UK BR Science Impact Acceleration House - Newton Fund.
Contact and tutorial
Plataforma de Monitoreo de Quemadas e Incendios Forestales para región MAP Para visualizar la Plataforma utilice el link: Abajo presentamos un tutorial para utilizar la Plataforma. Se tienes sugerencias o comentarios, envía-los a: João Reis: [email protected] / [email protected] Liana Anderson: [email protected] English
Fires Monitoring Platform for MAP region To acess the Platforma, use the link: Below we present a tutorial for using the Platform. If you have comments or suggestions, please contact: João Reis: [email protected] / [email protected] Liana Anderson: [email protected] |
Plataforma de Monitoramento de Queimadas e Incêndios Florestais para região MAP Para visualizar a Plataforma utilize o link: Abaixo apresentamos um tutorial para utilizar a Plataforma. Caso tenha sugestões e comentários, contate: João Reis: [email protected] / [email protected] Liana Anderson: [email protected] |