FAPESP project - Grant number: 2020/16457-3
FAPEMA project - Grant number: 02989/20
FAPEMA project - Grant number: 02989/20
MAP-Fire: a virtual platform for managing the carbon balance between emissions by fire and removals by secondary forests for the Maranhão state
The project
Climate change, in part already observed in some regions of the Amazon, causes an extension of the dry season and an increase in the frequency of extreme droughts. These changes, combined with the landscape fragmentation and forest degradation, as a result of logging and the agricultural frontier expansion, are the causes of the lack of burn control that become fires. In the Maranhão state, these combined events are intensified, putting in check the conservation of the Amazon forest, which has reduced 76% of the biome's original coverage, inducing the loss of its ecosystem services. Therefore, the project's general objective is to provide a diagnosis and monitoring system for the occurrence and probability of fires in the Amazon biome in the Maranhão state, to subsidize fire prevention, control of burn, and improve natural resources in priority management areas for conservation. This type of information will identify priority areas for conservation and degraded land with potential for ecological restoration. The final product will create an online, didactic, and easily accessible platform for viewing information on fires, climate, biomass accumulation, deforestation, and CO2 emissions for the Maranhão state. Thus, the transparency and management of environmental information will allow an analysis of specific information by municipalities, Conservation Units, and rural properties, to assist territorial planning and conservation actions by public managers.