Research Assintent
Dr Alber Hamersson Sánchez Ipia
Research: Tools for satellite images management in array databases
Expertise: Earth system science, Geoinformatics, Geographic Information Science and Technology Master degree: 2011-2013 ( University of Münster) and 2004-2007 (Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas) PHD degree: 2015-2020 (INPE) Lattes|Researchgate|Linkedin __________________________________________________________________________________
Beatriz Figueiredo Cabral
Research: Prediction of forest degradation as a subsidy for actions to prevent forest fires and fires
Expertise: Patterns, Trajectories and Simulation of Deforestation Master degree: 2020-2022 (INPA) Lattes|Researchgate|Linkedin __________________________________________________________________________________
Janaina Cassiano dos SantosResearch: Voices in Recovery
Expertise: Climatology and Geosciences Master degree: 2019-2022 (UFF) Lattes|Researchgate|Linkedin __________________________________________________________________________________
Monique Rodrigues da Silva Andrade MaiaResearch: Science Communication
Expertise: ecosystems; nutrient and plant interaction; statistic; sigs; Amazonian soils; Climate changes; Forest Dynamics; Large-scale productivity; for Pan-Amazonian scale Master degree: 2013-2015 (INPA) Lattes|Researchgate|Linkedin __________________________________________________________________________________
Ana Larissa Ribeiro de Freitas
Research: Prediction of the forest fires probability and carbon balance for the state of Maranhão
Expertise: Socio-environmental exposure to forest fires, prediction of fire probability, and carbon balance Master degree: 2019-2021 (INPE/TREES) Lattes|Researchgate|Linkedin _________________________________________________________________________________
Débora Joana Dutra
Research: Predicting the probability of forest fires and fires: climatic and anthropic effects
Expertise: drought in watersheds, fires in tropical forests, modeling of environmental systems, time series analysis, landscape ecology, geoprocessing and remote sensing Master degree: 2019-2021 (UFMG) Lattes|Researchgate|Linkedin __________________________________________________________________________________
Dr João Bosco Coura dos Reis
Research: Multi-Actor Adaptation Plan to cope with Forests under Increasing Risk of Extensive fires (MAP-FIRE)
Expertise: geotechnologies, remote sensing, monitoring systems, TerraMA2 platform, Python and R programming, hydrological models and forest fires Master degree: 2012-2014 (UNIFEI) PHD degree: 2014-2018 (INPE) Lattes|Researchgate|Linkedin _________________________________________________________________________________
Paulo Henrique Alves Leão
Research: MAp-Fire: a virtual platform for the carbon balance management between emissions by fire and removals by secondary forests for the state of Maranhão
Expertise: geoprocessing and remote sensing of forests applied to data analysis in Python, Javascript, and R Master degree: 2019-2021 (UEMA) Lattes|Researchgate|Linkedin __________________________________________________________________________________