Detecção de cicatrizes de áreas queimadas baseada no modelo linear de mistura espectral e imagens indice de vegetacao utilizando dados multitemporais do sensor MODIS_TERRA no estado do Mato Grosso.LO Anderson, LEO Aragão, A Lima, YE Shimabukuro. Acta Amazonica 35 (4), 445-456. Leia o artigo.
Using Fraction Images to Study Natural Land Cover Changes in the Amazon. Y Shimabukuro, L Anderson, L Aragao, A Huete. 2006. IEEE International Symposium on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2103-2106. Leia o artigo.
A method for extracting plant roots from soil which facilitates rapid sample processing without compromising measurement accuracy. DB Metcalfe, M Williams, L Aragão, ACL Da Costa, SS De Almeida,..New Phytologist 174 (3), 697-703.Leia o artigo.
Spatial patterns of the canopy stress during 2005 drought in Amazonia.LO Anderson, Y Malhi, LEOC Aragão, S Saatchi.2007. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2294-2297. Leia o artigo.
Spatial patterns and fire response of recent Amazonian droughts.L Aragao, Y Malhi, RM Roman-Cuesta, S Saatchi, LO Anderson,...2007. GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, VOL. 34, L07701, doi:10.1029/2006GL028946. Leia o artigo.
Environmental Justice in Latin America: Problems, Promise, and Practice‐by Carruthers, David V.,...LEOC Aragao. 2008. Bulletin of Latin American Research 28 (2), 302-303. Leia o artigo.
Exploring the biophysical drivers of Amazon Phenology: Preparing data sets to improve dynamic global vegetation models. A Bradley, F Gerard, G Weedon, C Huntingford, N Barbier, P Zelazowski, ...IGARSS 2008-2008 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium.Leia o artigo.
Exploring the likelihood and mechanism of a climate-change-induced dieback of the Amazon rainforest. Y Malhi, LEOC Aragão, D Galbraith, C Huntingford, R Fisher,...2008. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (49), 20610-20615. Leia o artigo.
Interactions between rainfall, deforestation and fires during recent years in the Brazilian Amazonia. LEOC Aragao, Y Malhi, N Barbier, A Lima, Y Shimabukuro, L Anderson,...2008. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 363. Leia o artigo.
Sample sizes for estimating key ecosystem characteristics in a tropical terra firme rainforest.D Metcalfe, P Meir, LEOC Aragao, A da Costa, S Almeida, A Braga, ...2008. Forest Ecology and Management 255 (3-4), 558-566. Leia o artigo.
The effects of water availability on root growth and morphology in an Amazon rainforest. DB Metcalfe, P Meir, LEOC Aragão, ACL da Costa, AP Braga,...2008. Plant and Soil 311 (1-2), 189-199.Leia o artigo. Leia o artigo.
Above-and-below-ground net primary productivity across ten Amazonian forests on contrasting soils. Y Malhi, DB Metcalfe, JE Silva-Espejo, E Jimenez, D Navarrete, ...2009.European Geosciences Union (EGU). 2009. Biogeosciences, 6, 2759–2778. Leia o artigo.
Branch xylem density variations across the Amazon Basin. S Patiño, J Lloyd, R Paiva, TR Baker, CA Quesada, LM Mercado,...2009. Biogeosciences 6 (4), 545-568. Leia o artigo.
Comprehensive assessment of carbon productivity, allocation and storage in three Amazonian forests. Y Malhi, LEOC Aragao, DB Metcalfe, R Paiva, CA Quesada, S Almeida,...2009. Global Change Biology 15 (5), 1255-1274. Leia o artigo.
Diversidade vegetal em solos antrópicos da Amazônia. CR Clement, MP Klüppel, LA German, SS Almeida, J Major, L Aragao, ...2009.As Terras Pretas de Índio na Amazônia: sua caracterizaçaoe uso deste… Leia o artigo.
Drought sensitivity of the Amazon rainforest.OL Phillips, LEOC Aragão, SL Lewis, JB Fisher, J Lloyd,...2009. Science. 323 (5919), 1344-1347. Leia o artigo.
Influence of landscape heterogeneity on spatial patterns of wood productivity, wood specific density and above ground biomass in Amazonia.LO Anderson, Y Malhi, RJ Ladle, LEOC Aragao, Y Shimabukuro,...2009.Biogeosciences 6 (9). Leia o artigo.
Mapeamento de Cicatrizes de Queimadas na Amazônia Brasileira a partir da aplicação do Modelo Linear de Mistura Espectral em imagens do sensor MODIS. A Lima, YE Shimabukuro, M Adami, RM Freitas, LE Aragão,...2009. Anais do XIV Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, Natal, 5925-5932. Leia o artigo.
Produção, estoques e fluxo de carbono nas florestas amazônicas. Y Malhi, S Saatchi, C Girardin, L Aragão. 2009. Geophys. Monogr 186, 355-371. Leia o artigo.
Spatial distribution and functional significance of leaf lamina shape in Amazonian forest trees. MNK Mercado, B Santa Cruz, MPE Goeldi...2009.Biogeosciences, 6, 1577–1590. Leia o artigo.
Spatial trends in leaf size of Amazonian rainforest trees. ACM Malhado, Y Malhi, RJ Whittaker, RJ Ladle, H Ter Steege,...2009.Biogeosciences Discussions.Leia o artigo.
Template phenology for vegetation models. A Bradley, F Gerard, N Barbier, G Weedon, C Huntingford, P Zelazowski,... 2009. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 4, IV-1042. Leia o artigo.
The production, storage, and flow of carbon in Amazonian forests. Y Malhi, S. Saatchi, C Girardin, L Aragão. 2009. Amazonia and global change, 355-372. Leia o artigo.
Using Landsat images combined with field data for landscape evaluation in the Amazon. Liana O. Anderson Luiz EOC Aragão Cleber Salimon. 2009. Anais XIV Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, Natal, Brasil,INPE, p. 2523-2530.Leia o artigo.
Are compound leaves an adaptation to seasonal drought or to rapid growth? Evidence from the Amazon rain forest.ACM Malhado, RJ Whittaker, Y Malhi, RJ Ladle, H Ter Steege, O Phillips, ...Global Ecology and Biogeography 19 (6), 852-862. Leia o artigo.
Drought–mortality relationships for tropical forests. OL Phillips, G Van Der Heijden, SL Lewis, G López‐González,...2010. New Phytologist 187 (3),631-646. Leia o artigo.
Fire patterns in the Amazonian biome. LEOC Aragao, YE Shimabukuro, A Lima, LO Anderson, N Barbier,...2010.EGUGA, 6630. Leia o artigo.
Impacts of experimentally imposed drought on leaf respiration and morphology in an Amazon rain forest. DB Metcalfe, R Lobo‐do‐Vale, MM Chaves, JP Maroco, LEO C Aragão,...2010. Functional Ecology. 24 (3), 524-533.Leia o artigo.
Modelos baseados em redes neurais para o estudo de padroes climáticos sazonais a partir de dados tratados com a teoria dos conjuntos aproximativos.JA Anochi, JDS Silva, WC An, EM Rocco, EM Anselmo, CA Morales,...2010.M. Sc. dissertation on Applied Computing–Intituto Nacional de Pesquisas. Leia o artigo.
Net biome production of the Amazon Basin in the 21st century.B Poulter, L Aragao, U Heyder, M Gumpenberger, J Heinke,...2010. Global Change Biology 16 (7), 2062-2075. Leia o artigo.
Net primary productivity allocation and cycling of carbon along a tropical forest elevational transect in the Peruvian Andes. CAJ Girardin, Y Malhi, L Aragao, M Mamani, W Huaraca Huasco,...2010. Global Change Biology 16 (12), 3176-3192.Leia o artigo.
A MODIS-based energy balance to estimate evapotranspiration for clear-sky days in Brazilian tropical savannas. AL Ruhoff, AR Paz, W Collischonn, LEOC Aragao, HR Rocha, YS Malhi. Remote Sensing. 4 (3), 703-725.Leia o artigo.
Drip‐tips are associated with intensity of precipitation in the Amazon rain forest. ACM Malhado, Y Malhi, RJ Whittaker, RJ Ladle, H Ter Steege, NN Fabré, ...Biotropica 44 (6), 728-737.Leia o artigo.
The rainforest's water pump: an investigation of naturally occurring water recycling in rainforests finally marries the results of global climate models with observations…LEOC Aragao.Nature 489 (7415), 217-219. Leia o artigo.
Land use and land cover changes determine the spatial relationship between fire and deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon.A Lima ,T S F Silva, L E O e C de Aragão, R M de Feitas,M Adami,A R Formaggio,Y E Shimabukuro. Applied Geography.Volume 34, May 2012, Pages 239-246.Leia o artigo.
Simulating forest productivity along a neotropical elevational transect: temperature variation and carbon use efficiency. TR Marthews, Y Malhi, CAJ Girardin, JE Silva Espejo, LEOC Aragão, ...Global Change Biology. 18 (9), 2882-2898. Leia o artigo.
The carbon balance of South America: a review of the status, decadal trends and main determinants.M Gloor, L Gatti, R Brienen, TR Feldpausch, OL Phillips, J Miller, ...Biogeosciences. 9 (12), 5407-5430. Leia o artigo.
The critical importance of considering fire in REDD+ programs. J Barlow, L Parry, TA Gardner, J Ferreira, LEOC Aragão, R Carmenta, ...Biological Conservation. 154, 1-8.Leia o artigo.
Tree height integrated into pantropical forest biomass estimates. TR Feldpausch, J Lloyd, SL Lewis, RJW Brienen, M Gloor,...Biogeosciences, 3381-3403. Leia o artigo.
Validation of the global evapotranspiration algorithm (MOD16) in two contrasting tropical land cover types. AL RUHOFF, W COLLISCHONN, AR PAZ, HR ROCHA, LEOC ARAGAO,...IAHS-AISH publication,128-131,2. Leia o artigo.
Assessing above-ground woody debris dynamics along a gradient of elevation in Amazonian cloud forests in Peru: balancing above-ground inputs and respiration outputs.DJ Gurdak, LEOC Aragão, A Rozas-Dávila, WH Huasco, KG Cabrera,...Plant Ecology & Diversity. 7 (1-2), 143-160. Leia o artigo.
Contribution of biomass fires to black carbon supply in a tropical river basin assessed using a Lagrangian atmospheric transport model and MODIS burned area product.M Jones, TA Quine, CE de Rezende, T Dittmar, LEOC Aragão. Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais. Leia o artigo.
Corrigendum: Large-scale heterogeneity of Amazonian phenology revealed from 26-year long AVHRR/NDVI time-series. FB Silva, YE Shimabukuro, L Aragão, LO Anderson, G Pereira, F Cardozo,...Environ. Res. Lett. 8, 029502. Leia o artigo.
Ecosystem respiration and net primary productivity after 8–10 years of experimental through-fall reduction in an eastern Amazon forest. ACL da Costa, DB Metcalfe, CE Doughty, AAR de Oliveira, GFC Neto, ...Plant Ecology & Diversity. 7 (1-2), 7-24. Leia o artigo.
Fine root dynamics along an elevational gradient in tropical Amazonian and Andean forests. CAJ Girardin, L Aragão, Y Malhi, W Huaraca Huasco, DB Metcalfe,...Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 27 (1), 252-264. Leia o artigo.
Fluxos de CO2 do solo na Floresta Nacional de Caxiuanã, Pará, durante o experimento ESECAFLOR/LBA. JA Silva Júnior, ACL Costa, PV Azevedo, RF Costa, DB Metcalfe,...Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia. 28 (1), 85-94. Leia o artigo.
Frequência de queimadas durante as secas recentes.L Aragão, YE Shimabukuro, M Cardoso, LO Anderson, A Lima, B Poulter. In book: Secas na Amazônia: causas e consequênciasPublisher: Oficina de textos. Leia o artigo.
Large-scale heterogeneity of Amazonian phenology revealed from 26-year long AVHRR_NDVI time-series.F B Silva,Y E Shimabukuro,L E O C Aragao, L O Anderson, G P, F Cardozo and Egıdio Arai. Environmental Research Letters. 8(2):024011. Leia o artigo.
Modelagem da evapotranspiração em áreas de floresta tropical amazônica. AL Ruhoff, L Aragão, W Collischonn, HR Da Rocha, Y Malhi, Q Mu, ...Anais, 5459-5466. Leia o artigo.
Multi-criteria Assessment of the Relationship between Deforestation, Rainfall and Land use Change from Remotely Sensed Data in Nigeria.F Ike, L Aragao, L Mercado. AGUFM 2013, B51A-0252. Leia o artigo.
Persistent effects of a severe drought on Amazonian forest canopy. S Saatchi, S Asefi-Najafabady, Y Malhi, LEOC Aragão, LO Anderson, ...Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 110 (2), 565-570. Leia o artigo.
Productivity and carbon allocation in a tropical montane cloud forest in the Peruvian Andes. CAJ Girardin, JES Espejob, CE Doughty, WH Huasco, DB Metcalfe, ...Plant Ecology & Diversity. 7 (1-2), 107-123. Leia o artigo.
Seasonal production, allocation and cycling of carbon in two mid-elevation tropical montane forest plots in the Peruvian Andes.WH Huasco, CAJ Girardin, CE Doughty, DB Metcalfe, LD Baca,...Plant Ecology & Diversity. 7 (1-2), 125-142. Leia o artigo.
SEVERIDADE DOS INCÊNDIOS FLORESTAIS EM ANOS DE SECA EXTREMA.A Lima, L Aragão, J Barlow, YE Shimabukuro, LO Anderson, V Duarte.Secas na Amazônia: causas e consequências. Leia o artigo.
The production, allocation and cycling of carbon in a forest on fertile terra preta soil in eastern Amazonia compared with a forest on adjacent infertile soil.CE Doughty, DB Metcalfe, MC da Costa, AAR de Oliveira, GFC Neto,...Plant Ecology & Diversity 7 (1-2), 41-53. Leia o artigo.
The productivity, metabolism and carbon cycle of two lowland tropical forest plots in south-western Amazonia, Peru. Y Malhi, F Farfán Amézquita, CE Doughty, JE Silva-Espejo, CAJ Girardin,...Plant Ecology & Diversity 7 (1-2), 85-105. Leia o artigo.
Tropical forest degradation and carbon stocks: Insights from a large scale field assessment. Erika Berenguer,Jos Barlow, Joice Ferreira,Toby Alan Gardner,Luiz Aragão, Plinio B Camargo,Carlos Eduardo Cerri,Mariana Durigan, Raimundo C Oliveira,Ima Celia G Vieira. Leia o artigo.
Brazil’s environmental leadership at risk. J. Ferreira, L. E. O. C. Aragão, J. Barlow, P. Barreto, E. Berenguer, M. Bustamante, T. A. Gardner, A. C. Lees, A. Lima, J. Louzada, L. Parry, C. A. Peres, R. Pardini, P. S. Pompeu, M. Tabarelli, J. Zuanon. Science 346(6210), Policy Forum section, pp. 706-707. Leia o artigo.
A large-scale field assessment of carbon stocks in human-modified tropical forests. Berenguer E, Ferreira J, Gardner, T A, Oliveira C A L E, De Camargo, P B; Cerri, C E; Durigan, M; De Oliveira J, R C, Guimaraes V I C, Barlow, J. In: Global Change Biology, Vol. 20, No. 12, 12.2014, p. 3713-3726. Leia o artigo.
Avaliação preliminar da modelagem de queimadas na Amazônia brasileira utilizando o princípio de Máxima Entropia. MG Fonseca, A Lima, LO Anderson, YE Shimabukuro, L Aragão. Proceedings of the XVII Brazilian symposium on remote sensing, 25-29.Leia o artigo.